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President Message

Gladson Varghese
AAEIO President

November 4th 2024

Dear AAEIO Members

It is my distinct honor and privilege to be the founding President of AAEIO, the American Association of Engineers of Indian Origin, representing several thousands of Indian Engineers throughout North America, AAEIO is a non-profit organization. It gives a platform for Networking to develop businesses, Educational Charity, Technological and Scientific interaction. It encourages innovation and entrepreneurship and promote U.S. – India Technology transfer. This will be an Umbrella organization for several other Indian Engineering organizations.

I am very excited to have very talented Engineers, executives of several large companies in the U.S., comprising our Board of Directors. And very successful Business CEOs as Advisory Board members. In order to make AAEIO a successful organization, the Board of Directors, Advisory Board members, and Members need to work together.

One of the main focuses of AAEIO as we still nascent, is the growth the organization from its initial stages into a larger organization in North America, by providing more benefits to its members. We aim to help Engineering students through scholarship programs, and to mentor them in various areas, because they are the future of AAEIO. Another focus will be on Business Incubators, specifically designed program to help young start-ups to innovate and grow. Startups often fail for an array of reasons. The product they developed couldn’t sell, they lacked financing, the product wasn’t competitive enough, the proper team wasn’t in place, no business model, poor marketing or lack of in-depth knowledge of the product and customer base. AAEIO wants to support future startups by providing mentorship, education, and access to investors. We also plan to enhance and promote Technical education through workshops, seminars, webinars and conferences.

To achieve these goals we will need your expertise, time commitment and funding.

I look forward to coming up with more programs and goals with you in the future. Let us all work together to grow this organization throughout North America. Please encourage your Engineer friends to become a member of AAEIO and promote this organization to others. Thank you for being part of AAEIO, God Bless two great nations on earth, America and India.

Gladson Varghese; B.E, M.S.ME, MBA
President, AAEIO

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